Progress Report: Mercado Central


Since 1997, Mercado Central has been a collaborative hub for more than 35 Latino-owned businesses. Handcrafted products, delicious food, and essential services fill the bustling marketplace on Lake Street and Bloomington Avenue in Minneapolis.


RoehrSchmitt was asked to develop a plan focused on the market's long-term development, and the striking face lift currently in progress is the initial phase of work focused on the several buildings that comprise this landmark retail complex.

"Our objective is to clarify the internal organization and re-orient an inwardly focused building outward to the street and to the community", says principal architect Michael Roehr.

The first step is the transformation of a previously unassuming exterior with an unabashed celebration of colors evoking the Latino culture of the Mercado’s businesses. The geometric bands of rich color serve to unify a variety of disparate building elements and frame the sprawling organic mural by celebrated Venezuelan artist Pablo Kalaka that wraps the building.


Pablo's incredible work on the Mercado Central mural is well on its way and on track to be completed next month.

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